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Hide a Product

How to hide a product

Sandy avatar
Written by Sandy
Updated over a week ago

When you hide a product, it no longer is visible on your "Shop" page.

There are three situations where you may want to hide a product.

1 - If you are creating a product that you don't want anyone to see until a certain date (you can also keep it as a draft).

2 - If you are creating a custom product for one specific client.

3 - If you are creating a product that is priced at a lower rate for your studio members (and you don't want that lower-priced product visible to the public for purchase who are not studio members).

To hide a product:

1. Open the product by clicking "Product" > "My Products" from the tabs on the left. Select the product that you would like to hide.

2. Click "Edit Product" on the top right corner.

3. Select "Summary" on the top right corner then under "Shop visibility", select "hidden".

Note: Once you have hidden that product, you need to give the link to those student(s) that this was created for so they can purchase. The link is immediately below the box you just checked to make it hidden. Now only those with that URL can purchase that product.

For example, if you have created a special ClassCard:

1 - Studio members at $10 ClassCard for 15 Classes

2 - Non-studio members $15 ClassCard for 15 Classes

If both were displayed on your shop page, your non-studio members could purchase the cheaper studio member option. Therefore, you must 'hide' the studio members' membership product to prevent this from happening.

To allow your studio members to purchase the special product, you must give them either the Product URL or Purchase URL to that product.

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