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Types of Quiz Questions
Gussi avatar
Written by Gussi
Updated over a week ago

This article will cover:

Note: Quizzes are available on the Solo plan or higher. Click here if you'd like to see a list of features and plans.

Automatically graded questions

Automatically graded questions are automatically graded meaning they are done by the system based on which of the answers you select are correct.

For example, for multiple-choice questions, the correct answer is denoted by a checkmark beside it (ie Blue in the screenshot below).

Manually graded questions

Manually graded questions require you to open each submission and manually mark ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’.

For example, when you open a submission that contains a manually graded question, you will need to click on either ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’.

Question types with additional options

For manually graded question types ‘Typed answer’ and ‘Opinion scale’ are additional options for grading.

For the ‘File Upload’ question type you can also select to allow uploading multiple files.

Typed Answer

If this question is part of a passing quiz then enabling this will prevent students from advancing to the next lesson until approved by a teacher.

Opinion Scale

If this question is part of a passing quiz then enabling this will prevent students from advancing to the next lesson until approved by a teacher.

File upload

If this question is part of a passing quiz then enabling this will prevent students from advancing to the next lesson until approved by a teacher.

You can also choose whether multiple files can be uploaded.

You can use all questions in one quiz, but if you use any from the manually graded list, you will need to open each submission and manually mark if their answer is ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’.

Note: Each time you’ve finished creating your question, click ‘Save quiz’ in the top right-hand corner of the page.

When you've finished creating your quiz, be sure to click 'Preview' in the top right-hand corner and test the quiz.

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