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Gift Certificates
Sandy avatar
Written by Sandy
Updated over a week ago

Note: We have recently added a new feature that allows people to purchase a product as a gift. This makes it easier and doesn't require anyone to send out a code. You'll find more information on Marvelous Gifts here.

Your classes and courses make great gifts and we wanted a way for you to promote and sell gift certificates (and see a boost in sales around the holidays).

Here's the overview of what you'll do. You are going to create a new product in your Marvelous site that will act as a gift certificate. Inside that product, is a PDF that the purchaser can print (or email) to their loved one. The (new) student follows the directions on the PDF to create an account with you and purchase your membership (Stripe users only) or course with the coupon code provided on the PDF/gift certificate.

Below are the detailed instructions on what to do for a fixed-priced product and a membership.

Gift Certificate for a Fixed Priced Product
 Let's say you want to create a gift certificate for a Basic Asana Series (a product that's already in your shop) which costs $100, here's how you'd create a gift certificate. 

  1. Create a coupon code for 100% discount for the "Basic Asana Series". Let's call the coupon "HolidayAsana"

  2. Create a PDF document, that the purchaser can give to the recipient. You'll then put what you've created in the PDF file.

  3. Upload the PDF that contains the coupon to your media library.

  4. Create a new on-demand product (which will be the gift certificate) called "Gift Certificate for Basic Asana Series". Set the price as "fixed" and enter the price as $100.00.

    The content of this product will only be the gift certificate PDF that you created. Select the gift certificate PDF from the media library and add it to the content of this new product. Set the product schedule as evergreen (if you want it always available for purchase) or set the start and end date if this gift certificate offer is only available for a certain time period. Publish and make it visible in your shop.

Gift Certificate for a Membership or Recurring Priced Product
 NOTE: THIS ONLY WORKS WITH STRIPE (You can not use coupons for memberships if you use PayPal)

Let's say you want to create a gift certificate for your monthly membership (a product that is already in your shop) which costs $20/month. Here's how you'd create a gift certificate.

  1. Create a coupon code for the amount of the discount. You'll have to decide the amount of the gift certificate so let's say you'll do a 3-month gift certificate.  Let's call the coupon "3MGift" In this example, you will set the duration of the coupon for 3-months. After 3-months, the student will be charged $20/month.

  2. Create a PDF, that the purchaser can give to the recipient. Make sure you include your coupon code, "3MGIFT", the product URL, and a description of what your membership is about. 

  3. Upload the gift certificate PDF to your media library.

  4. Create a new product (which will be the gift certificate) called "Gift Certificate for 3-Month Membership" with the following parameters: 

  • Select "On-demand" for the product type.

  • Name the product  and add a cover photo and description

  • Set the price as "FIXED: and enter the price as $60 (3 months x $20, in this example.)

  • Content in this product will be the gift certificate PDF that you just created. Select the gift certificate PDF from the media library and add it to the content of this new product.

  • Set the product schedule as EVERGREEN (if you want it always available for purchase) and set it available for 1 day after purchase. (this allows someone to purchase it again the next day)

  • On the Publish tab, scroll to the bottom and toggle on Multiple Purchases. This will allow someone to purchase it multiple times.

  • Publish and make it visible in your shop.

A client can only buy one gift certificate a day or they can use a different email to create a different account.

To redeem, the recipient needs to create an account on your Marvelous studio, click on the product the coupon code is for and purchase with the coupon code provided on the gift certificate PDF.

Contact Us 🧡

For any questions reach out to us in our live chat or send us an email at 🙂

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